Monday, December 28, 2009

Dancing Divas

Christmas came a little early when we got a package in the mail from Uncle Richard and Aunt Teri. Inside were the CUTEST tutu's I have ever seen. Of course the girls loved them the second they saw them. They wore them to the grocery store and tried to wear them to bed. At the store everyone kept talking to them and telling them how cute they were--yeah that helped:) Riley also got a reversable superman/batman cape, which he loves. THANK-YOU AUNTIE AND UNCLE!!


Sorensen's said...

How cute are they? I hope taht you guys had a great Christmas!

Davis Gang said...

Love the tu-tus they are fabulous. So are the girlies. For sure they are my favorite.

ksreynolds said...

Beautiful little girls! I love blogs it is nice to see everyone..