Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's hard to be so beautiful

So a couple of nights ago I was working on getting the kids ready for bed. They had gotten in their pj's and I was ready to read to them. Raegan came in the kitchen and she was crying and fussing about being hungry. I was telling her to stop crying and talk to me like a big girl (she was WAY tired). I turned my back to get something for her and when I turned back around she was crashed. It was so cute. I felt bad that first she was hungry when she went to bed that night, and second that she was that tired to begin with. I put her in bed and she slept all night. She has ALWAYS been my good sleeper. Even when she was a baby she slept threw the night. It is SOOOO hard to be the princess---RIGHT!!!

1 comment:

Becca said...

So cute and funny!! Congratss Riley and Raegan on graduating Kindergarten and Pre-school. I cant believe Jarrin will start pre school this year.