Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Last night Russ took the kids in the hot tub. This is the first time we put Reese in. She loved it. It was fun to watch her.

Relaxing with the bubblesHunny boy thinks he is so cool in the hot tub--isn't he cute?The kids love going in the hot tub with daddyReesie loved the water on herBeautiful girls

Reesie in her cute suit--yes it is too small for her and this is the first time she has worn it:)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I was Tagged

Thanks Kendra this looks fun. Here we go.

8 things I am passionate about?

1. My husband
2. My kids
3. Trying to be a good mom/wife
4. My home--making sure it is clean and in order (sometimes too passionate about this one)
5. My laundry--it has to be done exactly the way I want it
6. Right now I'm big on getting my food storage done
7. My far away family and keeping in touch with them
8. My religion--everyday I try to be better than I was yesterday

8 words or phrases I use all the time?

1. Are you kidding me--Russ teases that this will be on my gravestone
2. Oh my heck
3. What the....
4. I love you
5. What do you say?
6. You need to brush your teeth
7. What do you want for dinner-lunch-breakfast
8. Please stop fighting

8 things I want to do before I die?

1. Go on a mission with Russ
2. Go to Hawaii with Russ
3. Raise healthy happy kids
4. Be a good example
5. Teach my kids the gospel
6. Understand the scriptures
7. Overcome my fear of speaking in public
8. Finish my scrapbooks (I don't think that will ever happen)

8 things I currently want or need?

1. To take a shower
2. A pedicure
3. A back rub
4. A nap
5. My laundry done
6. To lose my tummy fat
7. My sister to move back
8. My kids to be happy

8 places I want to visit?

1. Hawaii
2. Alaska
3. Sedona (I hear it is beautiful there)
4. Grand Canyon (The kids would love it and I have never been there)
5. anywhere exotic
6. anywhere that has nice weather
7. Yellowstone with the kids
8. Disney land with the kids

8 favorite restaurants?

1. Olive garden (I wish we had one here)
2. Mama Bears
3. Kabuki's (Japanese steak house)
4. Chili's
5. Wendy's
6. El Cupido's
7. China Wok
8. Captain Ron's

8 TV shows I watch

We don't have TV at our house but if we did I would watch

1. CSI Las Vegas
2. Heroes
3. Oprah
4. Law & Order SVU
5. TLC
7. The cooking channel
8. Disney

8 people I tag?

1. Rebecca
2. Teri Sipes
3. Sherry Johnston
4. Becca Martin
5. Menolly Neild
6. Cari Filippone
7. Sandii Hiatt
8. anyone who thinks this looks fun--careful it's harder than it sounds!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Yesterday was pretty much the worst day I have had in a really long time. My sister Rebecca and her family moved here to Snowflake in June. It was so wonderful having them here and apart of our lives. Well, yesterday they packed up and moved back to Utah:( They had renters in their house in Nephi and after the renters left they have not had any luck selling or renting. The financial burden was too much. So they HAD to move back. It was awful saying goodbye. I miss my family so much. It was so nice to have my sister here to spend time with me. Now that she is gone I wish I had spent even MORE time with her. My kids got so close to her while she was here. They are however, very excited to take "vacations" to see aunt Becca. We love you guys and miss you terribly. Good luck with whatever comes your way in Nephi.

Monday, October 20, 2008

FaMiLy PiCtUrEs

On Saturday it was a really nice day. We have needed new family pictures, so we got all dressed up and took some pictures here at the house. They turned out pretty cute. We had a lot of fun playing and laughing. Thanks Mel for helping us. These are a few of my favorites.

My cute babies.
I Love, Love this one of Reese. She looks so sweet.
This one was fun.
Silly kids.

Too much sun-but it's a cute picture.
We just crack our selves up:)
This one is good but Russ is down too low.
AAWW that's better-Riley were is your smile

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Reesie's 1/2 birthday!!!

That's right our sweet little munchkin is 6 months old yesterday. We can not believe time has gone so fast. She is such a joy to our family. We all adore her and love making her laugh. She is such a good, sweet, mellow baby. We are so blessed to have her. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past 6 months. Yesterday we took some pictures and mommy made her a 1/2 of a birthday cake. We let her lick the frosting. MMM.

What Reesie does at 6 months:
Eats food, her favorites are: prunes, peas, applesauce, squash (fresh), rice cereal.
She has rolled over like 6 times
She weighs over 16 pounds
Just yesterday she started to blow raspberries
She sucks her thumb when she is tired or hungry
She usually sleeps threw the night
She laughs at everything
Poops on the potty:)(with help from mom)
Loves to play with toys--she can grab them and put them to her mouth
Starting to get separation anxiety just a little
LOVES to swim in the bath
She holds her arms out to mommy and daddy

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sleepy Reese

Molly watched the baby yesterday for a few minutes. She was soooo sleepy. When I got home she was sound asleep. These are the sweetest pictures of her. We love our baby girl.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Riley and the PuMpKiN patch

Mrs. Romney's class

Riley and his friend Jace getting on the bus
Happy boy.

They gave the kids a piece of string and said that if it fit around the pumpkin they could have it. GoOd IdEa.

Today at school Riley's class went to the pumpkin patch to pick a pumpkin. I was lucky enough to go along and "help." It was fun to see the kids get so excited. They did surprisingly well. I thought it would take them forever to pick the pErFeCt PuMpKiN but they all grab the first ones they saw and were done. Of course I took my camera so I got a few pictures. Riley's favorite part I think was riding the bus. He has never been on the bus and asks all the time when I am going to let him ride the bus. NEVER is always my answer. When you live one block away from the school you don't really need your kid to ride the bus. I'm glad he got to today.