Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Riley's homework

Riley is very particular about his "work". He has always been very creative and crafty. He LOVES coloring, cutting, glue, staples, whatever he can get his little hands on. When he brings homework home it is the first thing to get done. It makes me happy that he enjoys doing homework. He usually only has homework on Friday's--but yesterday he came home with one paper to do. He was supposed to color each animal a different color (the color that is says on the animal). He brought it to me to put in his back pack for him. I looked at it and thought "that looks good--but what the heck is all the red?" So I was telling him what a good job he did and he said, "I wanted my animals to be "super" animals so I put capes on them." Holy cow I had to laugh. I sent a note to his teacher explaining that I thought it was cute and very creative. She told him at school that she loved it and gave him a piece of candy. Good thing she has a good scense of humor. What a funny kid.


Davis Gang said...

I love that!!! What a funny kid. I can totaly see him daying and you are Batman and you are Spiderman too funny. Please tell Riley that I love his super heros, but I didn't notice if the frog had a cape or not. Just wanted to say thanks for always commenting on my blog, cause it really makes me feel less of a loser. I was thinking about just not soing it anymore, but I won't cause I want you to be able to see what is going on in our obviously loser life. But thanks for your support. Love you.

Davis Gang said...

FYI: I can't spell or something sorry hope you can understand my first message. There are a bunch of mispelled words.

Barb said...

What a cute kid! I have a kid that loves super heroes too! Everything was about capes and masks! Love every minute cause they grow out of it so fast!

Mel's Family said...

That is sooooo...hilarious. But, that is sooooo...Riley. I love that boy AKA super hero.

Sandy Ballard said...

That is so cool that he thought that up. Very creative.

Russell Fam said...

That is the cutest thing ever. I like super animals too. Great job Riley!!

Brianna said...

What a funny little guy! Anyone can color animals, but to make them all SUPER animals!... he's sure got a creative mind. :)

Jacob said...

That sounds like something Brig might want to do too! Great job Riley!

Amanda said...

I love it, Kortnie would put crowns on all of them and make them princess's