Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Reesie poops on the potty

No, this is not a joke. No, I am not potty training my 5 month old baby. If you have kids you know that when babies start eating "real food" their poop gets really really gross. That is were my baby is--super cute but nasty poop. So the other night I knew that Reese was "trying" to go poop. Instead of just letting her go in her diaper and having to clean up a really yucky mess I decided to put her on the potty and let her go in there. She did it, she went poop on the potty. It was wonderful. Not much mess and I just flushed it away. Next time I will do the same thing. We will see how it goes.


Unknown said...

That's hilarious! And smart! And on the Dora-your kids just keep getting cuter and cuter! And Raegan reminds me of Izabelle, she's always falling down or running into walls. Her favorite saying is "I'm okay". :)

Stephanie said...

There are books on potty training infants. They do it almost every where in the world but here. Wouldn't it be nice to have her trained by a year old!

Davis Gang said...

That's nice. I hope she doesn't potty train before Aleigh. Guess we better get going on that. She looks so little on that big old toilet though. It makes it nice to be able to flush the smell down the toilet that's for sure!!!!!!!

Chlarson Family said...

That is so freakin cute! What a smart little baby. Maybe she can teach Chloe. :)

Davis Gang said...

You know I wished you would've showed the proof. I don't know if I believe you. Just kidding. Love you.

Mel's Family said...

See, its true that she is beautiful AND smart! Glad I could be there to witness that, or I might not have believed it.

Jennifer said...

Reese is SO cute...but you didn't need me to tell you that!

Good luck potty training! :) j/k

Shane and Kendra said...

When I saw these pictures I couldn't believe it...your baby is potty trained!?! It seems like I just got my 3 year old potty trained. Then I read the caption and didn't feel like such a bad mom! Keep it going and she'll be a breeze to potty train. Good job Reese:)

Teri and Richard said...

that is the craziest thing!! soooo funny!! the look on her face is pretty classic too! Maile have NEVER pooped on the toilet! sheesh!